P.A. Committee 2020-21 - S.N. Réalt na Mara, Rosses Point

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P.A. Committee 2020-21

Parents' Association
Parents' Association Committee 2020/2021

Chairperson: Aisling McSharry

Secretary: Gillian O'Gorman

Treasurer: Rachel Wirtz

Class Representatives 2020/2021:

Junior Infants: Sarah Fay Hynes
Senior Infants: Laoise Kelly
First Class: Paula Dufficy
Second Class: Therese Harrison Brogan
Third Class: Laura Garvey
Fourth Class: Niamh Egan
Fifth Class: Aisling McSharry
Sixth Class: Shirley Barlow

Yvette Haughey,

Mary McMorland (parent nominne on Board of Management).

To contact  Réalt na Mara Parents' Assocation- email: parealtnamara@gmail.com or contact any member of the P.A.

For details about the role of the Parents' Association please refer to our Parents' Association page on the school website click here
The National Parents' Council website  is www.npc.ie
S.N. Réalt na Mara,
Rosses Point, Co. Sligo., F91 TR29.
Reg. CHY No. 20134389
Copyright 2021

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