Role of P.A.
Parents' Association
Réalt na Mara Parents' Association has an active committee that promotes the interests of the pupils of Réalt na Mara by working with the Principal, Teaching Staff and the Board of Management to build effective partnership between home and school.Réalt na Mara Parents' Association is a forum through which parents /guardians of children enrolled in S.N. Réalt na Mara can work together in co-operation with the stakeholders in primary education (Board of Management, Principal, Teaching Staff and wider community) to provide the best possible education for their children.
Our school's Parents' Association is affiliated to the National Parents Council (Primary).
A copy of our Parents' Association Constitution is available here
Role of the Parents' Association:
The Parents' Association works in partnership with the Principal, Teaching Staff and Board of Management in the development and review of school policies such as the anti-bullying policy, attendance policy, homework policy and parental involvement policy.
The Parents' Association is a support for parents of children enrolled in the school. The Parents' Association is not, however, a forum for individual complaints.The school's complaints procedure must be followed in the event of a complaint.
The Parents' Association organises fundraising events and in recent years have purchased much needed equipment for the school.
The Parents' Association provides support on occasions such as First Holy Communion and school celebrations e.g. our school's 60th Anniversary celebrations, by organising receptions for all involved.
The Parents' Association keeps abreast of national developments in education through feedback from the Board of Management and from the National Parents' Council (Primary).
Representatives from the Parents' Association also met with the Cigire from the DES inspectorate as part
of S.N. Réalt na Mara's Whole School Evaluation.
The Annual General Meeting of the Parents' Association takes place during the first term of the school year.